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Saturday, May 28, 2011

WK4-2 DB Quickies: My dream teaching environment

Explore the open sea in search of fine treasures wherever they may be...

Photo taken by Laurie Kish

My dream job environment is being a teacher outside the constraints of my employer, perhaps a consultant.  Today I teach adults and I work for someone else who controls the budget and all the decisions.  In my dream job, I would be the captain of my ship, navigating where I want to go and how I would get there.  In this way, my limitations for creativity, engagement, and activities would be within my treasure chest and no one else’s.  I would be the one responsible for the business and agendas, which would allow me to make a bigger impact on a life, be it a child or an adult.  What is standing in between me, and my dream job right now is myself.  I tend to play it safe too often and not take many risks.  I could walk the plank and take a risk that when I jump, I will land in a sea of opportunity and not sink with the anchor that is tied to my ankles today.  I now have twelve months worth of new tools that I have learned in EMDT that will forever stay with me.  I just need to believe in myself!  

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